Please note: This website will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance beginning Friday 5pm, 17 March 2023 until Monday 9am, 20 March 2023.

Terms and Conditions

By selecting the 'I Agree' button at the end, agree to the Conditions of Use.

·         The use of this system is subject to your agreement to the Conditions of Use.

·         To the maximum extent permitted by law, Penrith City Council is not liable to you for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising from or relating in any way to the contents of this website and/or your use of it

·         All matters relating to this website are governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia.

·         The World Wide Web exists across open public networks that are neither secure nor private. Accordingly, the user acknowledges and accepts the risk that any communication to or from this website may be intercepted, used or modified by third parties.

You consent to receiving your certificate in an Adobe PDF format, as an attachment to an email.

You are responsible for specifying the email account to which Council should send the certificate. You acknowledge that network conditions may result in emails not being delivered promptly, or at all, and that certificates may be corrupted or damaged in their passage across the Internet. Council does not verify whether certificates have been received without error or in the form in which they were sent.

Council is not liable to you arising from or related in any way to:

1.     any act or omission of Council in good faith and without negligence;

2.     the failure of Council to receive any instructions, information or document by a particular time or at all unless the failure was the result of a negligent act or omission of Council; or

3.     any act or omission of a third party including, without limitation, a telecommunications or Internet service provider.

If you have not received a certificate you have applied for or believe that the certificate you have received has been corrupted or damaged, please contact Council on (02) 4732 7777.

When you apply for a Certificate you must accurately identify the land (eg by reference to a lot and Deposited Plan.) It is your responsibility to check the contract, mortgage, survey or other relevant documents to verify that you have accurately identified the land to which your application relates.

Privacy Statement

Penrith City Council has certain obligations in relation to the personal information that it obtains from persons who use its website. Please read this statement to learn what information Council collects about you, why it is collected and what is done with it.

Collecting Personal Information

In completing any of the forms available on this site you will provide Penrith City Council with "personal information". This is defined in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 ("PPIPA") to be "information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion". Personal information collected by Council will include your name and any other information included in the forms.

Further, when you visit Council's website the following information is recorded for statistical purposes:

·         The address of your server;

·         The top-level domain from which you accessed the Internet (such as .com,.org,. gov, .edu, .au, .nz, etc.);

·         The type of browser used;

·         The date and time of your visit to the site;

·         The pages you visited and the documents you downloaded;

·         The links you followed to come to and leave the site;

·         Any other information that is recorded

·         This information is used to create reports to tell Council the number of visitors to the site, what areas are most visited, what areas are least visited and technical design information such as broken links. This information is used to assist Council in making the site more useful to visitors.

Personal information collected from you is held and used by Council as permitted by Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 ("PPIPA"). Under PPIPA you are entitled to be informed of:

·         the fact that personal information is being collected;

·         the name and address of the agency collecting and holding the information;

·         the purposes for which the information is being collected;

·         the persons and bodies to whom the information will be disclosed;

·         whether the provision of the information is mandatory or voluntary;

·         the consequences (if any) of not providing the information; and

·         your right under PPIPA to apply to have access to your information or to have it corrected.

Council has various functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, the Local Government Act 1993 and other legislation. Personal information is collected to enable Council to perform the functions under these Acts. Under PPIPA, other agencies (particularly law enforcement agencies) may have the right to gain access to personal information about you that Council holds. Indeed, some agencies (particularly law enforcement agencies) have legal authority to inspect our Internet Service Providers' logs and obtain your address if required for an official investigation. Further, Council records may be available for public inspection and copying, including under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

At the request of an individual to whom personal information held by Council relates, Council must provide the individual with access to the information. Council must, at the request of an individual to whom personal information held by Council relates, make appropriate amendments to ensure that the personal information is, among other things, accurate.


The contents of this website (which includes downloadable material) are subject to copyright and are protected by laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties.

Penrith City Council grants you a non-exclusive licence to reproduce the contents of this website in your web browser (and in any cache file produced by your web browser) for the sole purpose of viewing the content. Penrith City Council reserves all other rights.

By agreeing to use this system you agree to indemnify Council against any infringement by you of any third party Intellectual Property rights, including Copyright.

Permitted Use

I accept that use of the data by me shall be limited to my own personal use or for the use in the ordinary course of my business. I shall not on-sell or distribute the data for reward to any other third party, nor shall I produce any hardcopy products, incorporating the data for commercial use.

© Technology One Limited 2025